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Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart.’ (Colossians 3:23)

British values

Statement of British Values

The Department of Education states that there is a need to: “create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”

At Paulerspury Primary School, we actively promote these fundamental British values in the following ways:


Democracy is fully embedded within the ethos of our school, and it is of paramount importance that the children’s voices are heard.  Both children and parents have the opportunity to express their views and opinions through questionnaires. Children have the opportunity to vote in elections within school; for the School Council members and House Captains . This provides the children with a good understanding that they have the ability to influence the democratic process.

The school council members meet regularly to discuss ideas and issues put forward by their class members, in order to continually improve the school through the eyes of the children.

in addition, to coincide with the recent general Election, we held a headteacher for the day election.  One child was selected by each class as a candidate and then spoke to the whole school at a hustings.  We then held a full ballot with voting papers, ballot boxes and returning officers in the school hall.  A Year 1 child one and really enjoyed their day as headteacher.

The Rule of Law:

The Rule of Law is continually reinforced throughout life at school. Children are governed by rules within both the classroom and the school. Further to this, children have regular contact with the local PCSO who gives talks on a range of issues. Children are taught about laws and why they are necessary to protect us, their own responsibility to abide by them, and the consequences of breaking them.

Individual Liberty:

Within school individual liberty is championed, and the children are consistently encouraged to make individual choices in a safe and supportive environment. Children are able to make choices about their own learning within the classroom, through the use of fluid groupings and tasks. This is empowering for the children and provides them with the tools they need to tackle challenges effectively and independently. Children have a choice over a variety of extra-curricular clubs and activities during the school day and after school.

Mutual Respect:

As a school, we have a strong community ethos and promote the importance of valuing everybody around us. Children are instilled with the importance of respecting all other human beings; both adults and children. Within school we actively celebrate the diversity of skills and talents of individuals. Adults within school consistently model mutual respect, and the older children take on responsibilities through which they also demonstrate this respect for others. Children in upper KS2 act as Young Leaders,leading sporting activities at lunchtime for younger children, in order to form strong relationships and model good values.

Tolerance of those with Different Faiths and Beliefs:

Within school, we actively demonstrate respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. Christianity bears a strong weighting in our RE curriculum, and the children also explore a range of other religions. Children are taught the importance of valuing the faiths and beliefs of others, even if they are different to their own. Visitors from a number of churches and other religious groups are warmly welcomed within the school.