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Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart.’ (Colossians 3:23)


Our whole school family works closely together to ensure that our children receive engaging, stimulating and challenging lessons and exciting extra-curricular opportunities. We have high expectations of our pupils’ behaviour and expect everyone to do the very best that they can. We offer a safe, caring environment and work hard to meet the emotional, social and pastoral needs of all of our pupils.

Our recent SIAMS inspection described the school as a "loving, nurturing community places pupils and their families at the very heart of school life."

We have an incredible team of teachers and teaching assistants who are all supported by a very efficient office team. The Governing Body is also part of the Paulerspury family – they are very involved in school life, providing constant support and challenge to ensure that the school continues to improve.

As a rural village school located just three miles from Towcester, we provide education for children from Paulerspury, Pury End, Heathencote and Alderton. We also welcome families from Towcester and surrounding villages.  Our small size ensures that we know all of our children well and means that they receive a very tailored education within our exciting curriculum.

The best way to find out about our school is to come and see it for yourself.  If you would like to arrange a visit please contact the school office on 01327 811674.  We look forward to meeting you.


Preschool Consultation

Paulerspury Primary School is striving to improve the provision of the school for the community. The current capacity of the school is 110 pupils, with the current number on roll being 66.

Due to a need for pre-school places in the area, the Governors of Paulerspury School and Innovate Multi Academy Trust are moving forward together with a proposal to lower the age range of the school from 4-11 years to 3-11 years, to include a Preschool as part of the school provision in an Early Years Setting.

We are working with The Department for Education and West Northamptonshire Council, and hope that this will take effect from January 2025.

Feedback can be given via email, no later than 5pm on Friday 8th November 2024 to Heather Fishwick: