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English including Phonics


We follow the Read Write Inc. phonics scheme.  This is introduced to our children as soon as they start in reception and continues into Year 2.

Read Write Inc. is a systematic, synthetic phonics programme which teaches children to read.  It sets out a detailed and systematic programme for teaching phonic skills for children starting from Reception, with the aim of them becoming fluent readers by age seven.

More information about Read Write Inc. and useful resources to help you and your child develop their phonological understanding can be found on the following sites:


As well as learning phonics, our children also access our school reading scheme.  For the younger children we ensure that the books they read are aligned to their level of phonological competence, allowing them to practice and reinforce their understanding of what they have learnt in phonics sessions.

Once the children progress beyond phonics they continue to follow our structured reading scheme to allow them to develop confidence and accuracy in their reading.

We insist that each book is read at least three times, either to an adult at school or at home.  This ensures that as well as being able to decode the text, the children are also developing their fluency and comprehension skills.

School Library

In addition to their reading scheme book, each child chooses a book from our school library or from their class library.  The children are allowed to make a free choice, with some guidance from their teacher, from our stock of fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts.  This allows children to read the books they want to, to follow their interests and to develop a true love of reading.

Reading is at the heart of everything that we do at Paulerspury Primary School.  Through our phonics and reading schemes we teach our children to read confidently and by sharing quality texts and our own enthusiasm for books we help create a life long love of reading.

Reading Volunteers

We are lucky to have a loyal band of parents and members of the community who take time each week to come in to school to hear children read.  This is an invaluable resource and really helps our children to develop as confident, fluent readers.

If you have some time to spare and would like to volunteer as a reading helper please speak to your child’s class teacher or contact the school office.

How to help your child with reading

Time spent reading with your child is extremely valuable in helping to develop their ability and confidence as a reader.  It is also a very enjoyable way to spend quality time with your child.

Ideas on how to make reading at home a pleasurable and productive experience for all can be found here

Choosing books for your child to read

It can be difficult to select the correct books for your child to read. Without an in depth knowledge of children’s literature and an understanding of each child’s reading confidence, selecting an appropriate text that your child will love is difficult.  Below are some sites that might help your choice easier.